Grooming and Shows
edited by Marta Picciurro
The Sacred Cat of Burma, with the average length of his hair, does not require hours of complex grooming. His coat is easily combing, and rarely creates nodes intractable.
To periodically bath our sacred of burma helps to eliminate (especially in periods of silent) hair died surplus, and then avoids the excessive ingestion that sometimes can cause gastrointestinal disorders.
Generally we know that between cats and the water there isn’t a great love, then we should bath our cat after the first three months of life. First of all make sure that the environment in which you have decided to wash your cat is devoid of air currents and is well heated.
Take advantage of the opportunity for a bit cut of nails, so avoid being scratched. Soak the cat with warm water, do not enter water and soap in your eyes and ears; use a Shampoo for scouring his best coat (of which there are several on the market); rubbed vigorously on the “gloves” which tend to dirty more easily; rinse thoroughly, removing their hands
with water surplus and put them in a warm towel gently massaging. To permanently dry, you can use the hair dryer, but if the cat is afraid of noise using a heater.
Comb against hair with a wide-tooth comb to him for greater volume and when it is completely dry, sprinkle with talc, which will absorb all the moisture and give volume and softness to the mantle. With a swab of cotton wool soaked with a detergent solution, then you can clean the contour of the eyes and the auricle.
All this must be done periodically, as I said earlier, and especially ever before each feline show . Let us remember that the judges very well to ensure hygienic conditions of our cats, which then must be PERFECT.
FELINE SHOWS: what need to know
edited by Chiara De Paolis
The Sacred cat of Burma is a beautiful appearance, and his eyes elegant conquer anyone know: this is a requirement that all birmans have, whether you have a pet kitten, which breeding, which for expo. Is normal for people who have bought or want to buy a cat with exhibition quality, or simply for those willing to make a beautiful ‘going out’ with your adored birman, want to tackle an experience with exhibitions.
But there are many things to see and so many rules, which is about behavioral health and general condition of the cat, not to be unprepared for that wonderful experience that is the feline expo to which many of you wishing to participate for the first time.
The important thing to remember always is that feline shows are not just an exhibition of beauty, but also a meeting place for lovers of cats and breeders, and we recommend as much fun as possible and to take many positive points, without letting take too much anxiety competition.
It must be entered in the Book of Origins of a breed association, and therefore possess pedigree and a reference number, which will be required on any form (also available on-line) for registrations: any feline show has its own registration form.
The cat must have completed three months of age on the date of the first day exhibition and be fitted with vaccinations certificate with regular references and, if made the 5 months of age be vaccinated against rabies by more than one months and less than one year.
You must be sure that your birman exclude any of the rules that may affect his admission to an feline show below which there list. Not allowed to feline shows:
- kittens that have less than 3 months made
- Female cats who are breast-feeding
- Cats deaf (for white cats is required to submit a certificate of non-deafness)
- Cats sick (which may be expelled out from the expo together with the owner and any other cats by the same owner)
Can be excluded from the “competition” instead:
- Aggressive cats (regulation if two stewards are unable to take the cat from the cage, will be excluded from competition) also if the cat is aggressive for three expo is at the discretion of the Federation not admit to future shows
- Monorchid males(over 10 months)
- Cats that have been given tranquillisers substances. (It decides the veterinarian)
- Cats who received cosmetic treatments such as a touch of runners
- Cats who have been surgically removed the nails
- Cats with parasites or dirty
- Cats suffering from dwarfism
- Cats blind
- Cats suffering from strabismus
- Cats with white spots to be excluded from standard
The certificate can be “denied” to:
- Cats not sterilized with nodes to tail
- Cats with teeth that out excessively from the mouth (2mm) )
- Cats with teeth broken or cut
- Cats with excessive feline show of the tongue or teeth
- Cats with strabismus
- Obese cats
- Cats with bone deformities
Having said that, it is important to know who is not allowed to leave the show exhibitors before scheduled closure, unless there are personal problems or serious health problems of his cat: it is recommended to advise the secretariat and the veterinarian to be allowed to exit a preventive.
It’s good to remember that leave an exhibition during his conduct implies the possibility of losing the titles.
We recall also that it is not allowed to leave the cats in cages at night, so if you your first experience especially ‘away from home’ we suggest to provide housing that accepts cats inside (the Anfi it always has in a list to places of interest feline show on national territory).
Any other warning or ban data from the secretariat and by individual feline show exists as a rule, and his transgression may result in disqualification from the competition.
The next step to the establishment of rules laid down for admission, is to think about everything you need throughout the exhibition. Is necessary carry the vaccinations certificate, bowl for water, food (preferring dry food), a litter box, a disinfectant to treat the cage before introducing the decorations, toys for the cat (not essential but is essential to try to put your cat at ease), a small couch inside the cat, especially if the first experience, can find refuge and tranquillity, one or two padlocks to close the cage where did need left unattended.
Is recommended use for decorations of the type acrylic fabric, for the rest decoration is a beautification and each is free to use all the objects and all the colors to your liking: assured that there is a lot of fun create the ‘art’ to your cage!
Obviously it is essential a good aesthetic condition of cat (see also page about), after having checked wisely nails (it is mandatory present filled with nails), the first few days of feline show : the judges see so much aesthetics of cat (you will be in a beauty contest!) and it is essential to present the cat with the coat clean and soft, no knots, silky and defatted best possible, doing well aware that the gloves are clean, as is also evident greater contrast variety in tone clearer as the lilac.
Hints that there may resurface very helpful is to not allow anyone visitors to touch your cat, because touching cat after cat can lead to the spread of bacteria and disease.
Be well prepared for the day of!
Make sure your arrival at the expo with the catalog in hand that will be delivered upon, that your cat appears on the list, and that has been inserted correctly in class, with other birmans of the same color. If you are unsure about your cat’s color, so it will require confirmation color, by calling immediately upon your arrival prior to the secretariat or require online registration form itself, which will be made before the reviews.
The cat is not it ‘recognized’ called by name, but will have an identification number that will be delivered in an envelope: it is good to learn it by heart or keep it visible and always be attentive to the conduct of reviews, will be named as his number when it does take to the court that there has been assigned. It’s good practice (even respect for judges and other exhibitors) take the court as quickly as possible: the delay of a cat to the judgement may slow down the whole course of competition and may lead to disqualification of your cat. Follow carefully the judgement that will be described by the judge, without intervening directly if you are not questioned. Where there you see any irregularity is mandatory reporting them immediately and contact the secretariat, never judge!
There are different classes divided by gender and age:
Class young 3 / 6 months (further divided by color)
Youth group 6 / 10 months (further divided by color)
In these classes can be obtained only ex1 (excellent first), which is not a valid point for the championship but attests to the top of your kitten.
You can also obtain BIV (at least 95 points): better varieties (there must be at least 3 cats of the same color, not of the same sex or age) are also sometimes assigned (in the case of large expo) 3 BIV: 3 / 6 months – 6 / 10 months and adults. Some cats may also receive Nominations, which will enable them to participate in the Best in show.
In order to obtain licences for degrees, each of which must be obtained after the one before:
CH National Champion
You need 3 CAC points received from three different judges in three national or international expo.
IC International Champion
CACIB needed 3 points from three different judges in international competitions in two different countries.
GIC Grand International Champion
We need 6 CAGCIB referred 3 from three different judges in three different countries, namely after obtaining 4 CAGCIB in the same country other two are to be achieved abroad. Or 6 CAGCIB in 2 different Countries.
SC Supreme Champion (the old European Champion)
For this title serve 9 CACS available in three different countries. All of these titles must be obtained in expo approved by FIFe.Or 11 CACS in 2 different Countries.
Same thing for neutered cats (if you have completed the championship and sterilized your cat, you will restart the stage for it to become the cost of the sample, namely Premior) that must obtain, with the same way:
PR Premior
IP International Premior
GIP Grand International Premior
SP Supreme Premior
We hope you enjoy with your birman friend and good luck to his careers exhibition!