Archive for the ‘Editorials’ Category

Thursday September 29th, 2016
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials


La Langford Diagnostic laboratories ha concesso a tutti i soci del Club, uno sconto del 20% su tutti i test.

Per poter usufruire dello sconto, i soci possono richiedere, tramite email alla segreteria, il codice sconto da inserire in fase di acquisto.

La Langford Laboratories è una consociata dell’University of Bristol.

Wednesday September 21st, 2016
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

Il 4 Settembre a Bologna si è tenuto un interessantissimo convegno sulla alimentazione e non solo, con lo slogan ” Belli dentro e belli fuori”, A.I.Bir. , Himera Farmaceutici ed Aries sono stati presenti a telo evento. Grazie ad ANFI Emilia Romagna per averci ospitato. Prossimamente altri appuntamenti formativi.

Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

September 3th, 2016, during the International Cat Show Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), IT * Abbie Zaffiri  Blu, she was awarded the title of Junior Winner! Congratulations to Abbie and Rossella from all over the club AIBir.

Tuesday June 30th, 2015
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Wednesday July 10th, 2013
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

Happy Holidays, a great Summer!

Tuesday December 25th, 2012
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

Dear Members and Friends,

Also this year is almost over, Marta, Chiara, Mariarosaria, Luigi, Giorgia, Graziano and Rossella wish you Happy Holidays.

Registration for the renewal of the card club A.I.Bir. 2013 are open, the same will be accepted no later than January 31- 2013, who by that date will have regularized their position will be automatically removed from the list of members.

Some of your co-operation We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday April 29th, 2012
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

We our proud to introduce you the winners of the Special Birman Show – Florence – 2012

Our congratulations go to:


S* SC Rawalpindi’s Sokrates – Best male

and Best Birman Overall!


S* SC Rawalpindi’s Sokrates - Owner Giuseppe Depietra





Best kitten male and best kitten overall 3/6 months

IT* Streetluge Zaffiri Blu

Breeder: Mercadante Rossella

Owner: Charbonnier Enrica






Best kitten female 3/6 mesi

CZ* Mercedes Maybach Von Freitag

Breeder: Slavomíra Balcar

Owner: Ilaria Spedicato




Sunflower's Song


Best kitten female and best kitten overall 6/10 months

S* Raus Höjden’s Sunflower’s Song

Breeder: Ekström Lena

Owner: Rossella Mercadante






Best kitten male 6/10 months

IT* DolceMiele Spartacus Mon Amour JW

Breeder: Depietra Giuseppe

Owner: Depietra Giuseppe






Best female

NZ*Shekinah Luna

Breeder: Sharon Snellgrove

Owner: Marta Piciurro






Best neuter male

IT* IP Aspera Basia Rigel

Breeder: Bazzatti Barbara

Owner: Bazzotti Barbara

Saturday December 17th, 2011
Author: Rossella - in: Editorials

Dear Members and Friends,

A. I. Bir. club wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful 2012!

Please note that new registrations are open for the year 2012 and that the same will be accepted no later than January 31 2012, who to this date has not regularized his position will be automatically removed from the list of members.

We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday April 7th, 2011
Author: A.I.Bir. - in: Editorials

We our proud to introduce you the winners of the Special Birman Show – rome – 2011

Our congratulations go to:

Le note Blu Robin – Best Kitten

and Best Birman Overall

Le note Blu Robin

Le note Blu Robin - Breeder & Owner: Mariarosaria Agresti




Best Female
DK*Sokjaer’s Xana
Breeder: Sorensen Else
Owner : Marta Picciurro







Best Male
S* Rawalpindi’s Sokrates
Breeder: Birgitta Strandberg
Owner : Giuseppe De Pietra







Best Neuter Male
Kintamani Pasha
Breeder: Marta Picciurro
Owner : Lavinia Tirelli







Best Neuter Female
Kintamani Fujiama
Breeder: Marta Picciurro
Owner : Marilena Cavelli





Watch the Gallery of the Event

Monday March 14th, 2011
Author: A.I.Bir. - in: Editorials

“Sacro di Birmania”, volume della collana ‘Fusa di Razza’ edito da Gruppo Editoriale Castel Negrino, è finalmente disponibile.

Contiene tante notizie sul Birmano e informazioni utili per una convivenza felice con qualsiasi gatto.

Allevatori che hanno collaborato: Danila Accorsi, Tatiana Bianchi, Mathilde Bonetti, Simona Boschini, Raffaella Capobianco, Iris Gruber, Edith Haussner, Alwyn Hill, Helga Kriz, Marta Picciurro, Bettina Suvi Rode, Anne-Valérie Tragarz e Sandro Colli Vignarelli

Potrà essere ordinato on line o in libreria, ritirato presso l’allevamento Faerie Kiss o durante manifestazioni feline a partire dalla speciale A.I.Bir. Associazione Italiana Birmani-Italian Birman Cat Association di aprile.