Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Sunday September 2nd, 2018
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Monday October 16th, 2017
Author: Rossella - in: Events

E’ con immenso piacere che vi invitiamo a partecipare ad una grande festa per il 10° Anniversario della fondazione del club A.I.Bir.
Siete tutti inviatati a Riva del Garda (TN) dove potrete ammirare dei meravigliosi esemplari di Sacro di Birmania, fantastici gatti dagli occhi blu come gli zaffiri e con una fantastica leggenda.
Il club A.I.Bir. sarà ospite del comitato organizzatore Eyes & Claws e Le Monde Du Chat dell’International Cat Show di Riva del Garda, in una super location con uno dei più suggestivi panorami che solo il Lago di Garda può offrirci.
Fantastici premi , una speciale di razza ed un best separato al raggiungimento dei numeri richiesti dal regolamento FIFE.
Cosa aspetti, iscriviti e vieni a festeggiare con noi!
Per iscriverti e maggiori informazioni clicca qui:

Author: Rossella - in: Events

Best Separato Sacri di Birmania a cura del club A.Ga.Bi. in collaborazione con il club A.I.Bir. , International Cat Show Roma, 11 Novembre.

Elezione del miglior Sacro di Birmania che sarà eletto Campione d’Italia.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi, per maggiori info consultate il sito :

Author: Rossella - in: Events

The club A.I.Bir. is happy to introduce you the wonderful Cloud’s Flowers Brie Blu Eyes, breeder and owner our dear member Claudio Melorio, that at May 7, got the title of Junior Winner, during the International Cat Show Ely (UK).


Sunday January 8th, 2017
Author: Rossella - in: Events

A.I.Bir. in collaboration with the Greek Fife Club is glad to invite you all to the BIRMAN SPECIAL for the FIRST TIME in GREECE on 2017 february 4th, during the Fife show in the beautiful Athens. We are waiting for you to make that event special! The 6 best birmans will be awarded by our club.

For more info and inscriptions click here:

Wednesday September 21st, 2016
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Next meeting with A.I.Bir.
26/27 November – Rovigo with a special tabby and a special kittens


3/4 December – Livorno with a Special Sacred Birmans and Best Separated

Save these dates in your diary!


Tuesday February 2nd, 2016
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Friday December 25th, 2015
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Tuesday November 24th, 2015
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Dear members and friends,
The A.I.Bir. Associazione Italiana Birmani’s commitments about the social still goes on. One year ago, for the ones who remember or has been there, on december month in Florence we have picked up the funds with a lottery of beneficence to help some needy cats of cares, seized and submitted to a shelter. Today these cats have again a house that loves them.
This year we want to devote us to of the very special children for which the birman is one of the most suitable breeds in order to pet therapy.
The sacred birman cats of members and friends will partecipate to a photoshoot together with the childrens and kids of Autism Association from Padua, for the 2016 A.I.Bir. Calendar.
A.I.Bir. will give all the moneys reached with the calendar’s selling to help the autistic kids and their families. More copies we will sell, and more the help for these kids can be strongly real and useful. So our message to you is the following: buy, treat yourself or treat someone else one or more copies of our calendar, whatever is the breed or species you keep in your heart.. Our embrace wants to be around these childrens in such universal way, hoping your embrace will come in addiction to our, to give courage and support to these wonderful angels. Thank you all! The copies of A.I.Bir. Calendar can be booked through an email to:



1 to 4 copies € 15.00
5 to 9 copies € 12.00
10 copies of € 10.00

Thursday November 19th, 2015
Author: Rossella - in: Events

Dear members and friends,
We are pleased to announce that the ANFI invited us to the first Mediterranean Winner Show.
The club has accepted this invitation with great pleasure and will do their best to make this event unforgettable. 2 and 3 April, don’t forget this important event, in Rome, we are waiting!